Automatisation efficace, La machine de conditionnement de matériel intelligente illumine votre ligne de production !

发布时间:January 15, 2024 Classification:Nouvelles de l'industrie 浏览量:4,004

n l'environnement industriel moderne, nous comprenons que de nombreux employés d'atelier travaillent dur pour compter et emballer le matériel. Malgré les efforts considérables des travailleurs, la production quotidienne est encore difficile à augmenter. Isn’t there a hardware packaging solution that can replace workers and achieve automation and intelligence?

What is an intelligent hardware packaging machine?

We are proud to introduce an intelligent hardware packaging machine provided by Shanghai Feiyu Packaging Machinery, qui est une solution polyvalente capable d'effectuer automatiquement les tâches de comptage et d'emballage. Non seulement que, cette machine peut améliorer considérablement l'efficacité de la production quotidienne tout en économisant le coût salarial de 4-5 personnes.

Why choose our hardware packaging machine?

Our engineers carefully designed this machine with 6 compter les bols, qui peut compter 6-9 différentes spécifications du matériel, fixations et vis en même temps. En fonction de la longueur et du diamètre, certains bols de comptage peuvent également compter de manière flexible 2-3 différentes tailles de fixations ou de vis. Nous insistons toujours sur la personnalisation des machines de comptage en fonction des tailles de vis pour garantir un comptage de haute précision, and provide a support platform to facilitate workers to directly install hardware and screws.

Smart operation and cost savings

To further meet customer needs, our engineers designed support platforms that allow workers to install fasteners and screws directly onto the machine. The matching text printer can edit information on the touch screen, including company logo and screw information, to achieve intelligent operation. This operation is not only convenient and fast, but also helps customers save the cost of purchasing roll labels and production time.

Customer satisfaction results

Recently, we provided this smart hardware packaging machine to a customer in the Philippines who wanted to count and bag 9 types of fasteners and screws. Each bag contains 10 des produits, and 5000 bags need to be packed every month. In their factory of 4-5 workers, this machine plays a huge role, bringing them great convenience and efficiency improvement.

If you also want to introduce such an efficient and intelligent machine into your factory to complete the counting and packaging of hardware, please feel free to contact us on our website. Our engineers and sales managers will support you throughout the entire process to create an efficient production future together!

Contact us to make your production line smarter and more efficient!